tesa HighPerSeal tape: customised anti-tampering and theft protection

The cutting-edge adhesive security tape from tesa scribos, the tesa HighPerSeal tape, now offers new custom design options which increase the level of protection further still while at the same time ensuring a consistent brand image. When the packaging is opened, the tape leaves evidence that cannot be removed on the surface of the packaging for the recipient. This makes it particularly suitable for theft and tamper protection for premium and sensitive goods in the electronics, pharmaceutical, automotive and luxury goods industries and in retail trade. For security reasons, the tape is exclusively available directly from tesa scribos.
tesa scribos has extended the new tesa HighPerSeal tape with customised design options. Three different customisation levels not only enable prompt detection of any tampering with the packaging but also increase the security level thanks to the customer's own design elements. If any attempts are made to open the packaging, the multi-layered colour structure produces an irreversible effect within the adhesive tape, thus providing prominent proof that a package has been opened – proof which works on a wide range of different surfaces and which remains easily visible even after the package has been resealed. Customs officials and retailers are also able to verify the authenticity of the tape when sealed since the printed security warning can be seen under a UV lamp.
With the new tesa HighPerSeal tape, both the printing on the tape and the security effect, which remains on the packaging after opening, can be customised. As a result, manufacturers of valuable and sensitive products now have additional options for theft protection in the logistics chain and for consistent brand management. The following three customisation levels are possible:
1. The default version is the tesa HighPerSeal tape with proof of opening that is unique to tesa and which enables prompt detection of any tampering and theft.
2. An advanced version offers custom printing on the adhesive tape. This increases the security level because this custom printing acts as an additional deterrent to counterfeiters.
3. The third customisation level offers maximum security and also enables consistent brand management. It is not just the adhesive tape that is individually printed with the customer's design here; the proof of opening itself also bears the customised design or logo.
There's another advantage, too: the striking security effect on the tesa security tape simplifies quality control, thus minimising complaints and warranty costs. Unmistakeable evidence that product packaging has already been opened or tampered with is a major deterrent to thieves and prevents losses before they even arise. These advantages together mean that companies will sustain fewer losses in revenue, save on the cost of complaints and enjoy greater customer satisfaction.
Heat- and cold-resistant security tape
Unlike competitive products, tesa HighPerSeal tape is resistant to attempts at tampering by the application of high or low temperatures over a wide temperature range. Dr Tobias Kresse, head of research and development at tesa scribos, explains: “In all the comparative tests we carried out, the functionality of the tesa scribos tape was shown to be far superior to that of competitive products when faced with attempts at tampering by the application of high or low temperatures.”
In addition, the security tape is only available directly from tesa scribos and cannot be purchased through online stores or other sales channels to which potential counterfeiters also have access. This controlled and transparent distribution channel eliminates the possibility that customers are purchasing counterfeit products – because free availability of protection technologies always means security is compromised, too.