TOP 100 success: Ranga Yogeshwar honours SCRIBOS

Überlingen – Last Friday, Ranga Yogeshwar congratulated SCRIBOS GmbH on its success in the TOP 100 innovation competition with a personal video. The science journalist honoured the achievements of this year's TOP 100 companies at a joint online conference. The occasion was the TOP 100 final, which was originally planned as an in-person event. Ranga Yogeshwar is mentoring the innovation competition, which is being held for the 28th time. In the scientific selection process, SCRIBOS made an impressive showing in the category “Top management promoting innovation” for size class B (51 to 200 employees).

The TOP 100 company portrait published on the occasion of the award (excerpt):
In 1998, physicist Matthias Gerspach and his colleagues at the University of Heidelberg investigated whether information can be stored on strips of “tesafilm” tape. This discovery formed the scientists’ idea of using the tape as a kind of DVD replacement. However, the new laser marking process they developed actually turned out to be ideal for product and brand protection. Today, Gerspach is one of three managing directors of tesa scribos, which was founded in 2001 and recently renamed SCRIBOS. The company manufactures counterfeit-proof labels and markings that can be linked to digital systems.
To drive innovation, a managing director was appointed for this purpose in 2019: Dr Tobias Kresse, who was already involved in the research at Heidelberg University 20 years ago as a working student. The exciting thing about his job is that not only the company's products are changing, but also its business model. While the counterfeit-proof labels were produced exclusively in-house until some time ago, a specially developed security feature can now be integrated into the products by data transmission directly at the customers' printing plants and packaging manufacturers.

TOP 100: the competition
Since 1993, compamedia has been awarding the TOP 100 seal to SMEs for outstanding innovative strength and exceptional innovation success. Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke has been the scientific director of the competition since 2002. Professor Franke is the founder and board member of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Vienna University of Economics and Business. Science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar is the TOP 100 project's mentor. The project partners are the Fraunhofer Society for the Advancement of Applied Research and the BVMW (German Association for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises). manager magazine and impulse follow the comparison of companies as media partners. More information at