Counterfeits are more common than you think

Inferior counterfeits put consumers at risk

Video test: Can consumers tell originals from counterfeits?
Counterfeit products often cannot be identified as such at first glance. The Global Intellectual Property Center (GIPC) at the US Chamber of Commerce carried out the test, asking passers-by to tell the difference between originals and counterfeits. The GIPC video shows that almost no-one can tell counterfeits from original products. Which means many are unwittingly buying counterfeit products.
But what can be done to better protect consumers from the dangers posed by counterfeits? Raise awareness!
Videos to raise awareness

Anti-counterfeiting videos by institutions and brand owners
The International Pharmaceutical Federation describes the dangerous consequences of counterfeit medications in an interactive video. Viewers use their mouse to select the medication which they think is genuine. The video ends differently depending on what viewers choose, showing them the consequences of their choice. Interpol also draws attention to the risks of counterfeit medications in dramatic short video.
The two German automotive giants Mercedes Benz and BMW use visually powerful videos (Mercedes Benz video; BMW video) to show the harm inferior counterfeits can bring about.
Videos like these raise awareness of the risks presented by counterfeiting. Used in combination with targeted counterfeit protection concepts, which clearly identify originals as such, they can help to protect consumers.
Interesting links on this subject
GIPC video “Consumers try to spot dangerous fakes in Times Square”
International Pharmaceutical Federation: interactive video
Mercedes video “Mercedes-Benz Genuine Parts vs Counterfeit Parts”