Guarantees a genuine drop of Bordeaux

BBS recommends that its members affix tesa VeoMark security labels to their wine bottles – these are specially inscribed labels integrating both visible and concealed security features – and use the tesa connect & check service for online verification in future. Some estates have already begun to deploy the security labels.
The wine industry is particularly susceptible to counterfeit products ending up on store shelves. For this reason, manufacturers also have a major interest in brand protection. “With our solutions, the wine producers can protect their wines against counterfeiting and be sure that only genuine Bordeaux is in the bottles. We will support BSS in the promotion of the brand protection program on the French and Asian markets,” explains Volker Hahn, Marketing Director for tesa scribos. “To that end, we will join our partners in providing organization members with informational brochures and posters.”
Original versus counterfeit
To differentiate between original and counterfeit products at the point of sale, unique tesa VeoMark labels are attached to the wine bottles. With tesa VeoMark imaging technology developed by tesa scribos, every security label is marked individually. The coding on the VeoMark labels cannot be imitated with printing or hologram technology. The codes are inseparably linked to the labels, making each label truly unique. The uniqueness of the security labels ultimately ensures that they cannot be counterfeited.
New service featuring online verification
Also available to winemakers is the tesa connect & check service, which is the optimum combination of brand protection and online verification and actively involves customers in acting against forgeries. In order to verify a product’s authenticity directly on site, the security features are explained to consumers, retailers and investigators. This is done by scanning the QR code from the label on the wine bottle using a smartphone or by entering the URL printed above the code into a web browser. After that, the ID code printed on the label and the four-digit security code on the tesa VeoMark label are entered into the smartphone or notebook. The data is transferred to the connect & check database via a secure Internet connection. If the security code displayed on the phone or notebook matches the one on the label, then the authenticity of the product is guaranteed. If the two do not match, the wine manufacturer should be contacted immediately.
As a wholly owned subsidiary of tesa, tesa scribos GmbH is a company of tesa SE in the Beiersdorf Group. Since its foundation in 2001, the company has stood for expertise in the areas of security and identification, with the emphasis on forgery protection and product tracking, as well as tamper-proofing and document protection. With many years of experience in the design, development and realization of individual customer product protection measures, tesa scribos offers comprehensive advice, practicable security concepts and effective protection technologies for manufacturers of original products such as spare parts for cars, electronic components, chemicals, luxury goods and cosmetics. The tesa scribos solutions include tesa PrioSpot, tesa VeoMark, tesa CodeSeal, tesa SecuritySeal, tesa IdentSeal and tesa SecurityPrint.