SCRIBOS joins and supports the AfCTA OriginAll initiative

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: 26.10.2021 – SCRIBOS is amongst the first companies to join the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Secretariat’s initiative to eradicate counterfeit products from the African continent. The platform, powered by OriginAll, will support government authorities in their efforts to protect the interests of AfCFTA member states and the safety of its citizens by providing authorized agencies and consumers with means to better differentiate legitimate from counterfeit or illicitly traded products.
The organizations will achieve this by integrating SCRIBOS’s patented ValiGate® anti-counterfeiting solutions into the AfCFTA OriginAll platform. This ensures that products carrying the ValiGate® label, either currently or in the future, can be verified through the AfCFTA OriginAll platform. SCRIBOS's ValiGate® solution comes in a non-label version, which means It can be directly printed on the packaging of products. This has immense benefits in terms of scalability and reduced costs. Therefore, it fits perfectly to Africa's price positioning.

This strong partnership tremendously increases trust and transparency along complex supply chains, as the ValiGate® security tag can be checked by every authorized stakeholder group.
“We are happy to empower OriginAll and brand owners all over Africa to win the fight against counterfeiters by setting the standard in brand protection solutions with this new platform " explains, Sebastian Praefcke, CEO, SCRIBOS.
“We are delighted to welcome SCRIBOS as a partner that embraces the notion that all stakeholders, including law enforcement agencies and consumers, must be given the ability to protect themselves against fake or illicitly traded products and to better differentiate legitimate from illegitimate products.” Hans J. Schwab, founder and CEO, OriginAll.
Earlier this year, the Secretariat of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), the Future Investment Initiative Institute (FII-Institute) and OriginAll S.A. signed an agreement, which represented the world’s highest impact effort ever to be launched in the fight against counterfeiting and illicit trade. The agreement will ultimately benefit over 1.2 billion people, protect the national interests of all AfCFTA member States and the safety and wellbeing of their citizens. The initiative will deprive criminal, terrorist and disruptive structures from one of their main sources of revenues, channeling back billions of dollars into the region’s legitimate economy.
About OriginAll:
OriginAll, S.A., a corporation duly registered in Switzerland, has been cofounded by experts in the field of product security and traceability. OriginAll develops aggregation platforms that allows users to verify the authenticity of a product, regardless of the solution adopted by a brand. OriginAll neither competes with, nor favors any particular traceability solution, nor does it intend to disrupt already deployed or imposed solutions and programs. Rather, it creates their interoperability to offer governments and consumers a single, transparent, self-financed source of product verification, product information and data correlation.
More information
Dr Steffen Scheibenstock, Head of Digital Business Development
+49 (0)6221 33507-244
OriginAll S.A.
Hans J. Schwab, CEO
+41 79 789 40 75
Margot Stuart, COO
+41 79 776 96 87