tesa HighPerSeal tape offers maximum security from tampering on a wide range of packaging material

The new tesa HighPerSeal security tape from tesa scribos sets new standards in protecting packages from tampering and theft along the entire logistics chain. Independently developed by tesa scribos, the new adhesive security tape creates an irreversible mark on any carton packaging surface the first time it is opened. This mark will remain easily visible after any attempt to reseal package. Based on a multi-layered structure and equipped with a high-profile security effect, this solution can be used for many different types of packaging and works at a wide range of temperatures. tesa HighPerSeal tape not only simplifies quality control, it also reduces expenses by minimising complaints, prevents losses in revenue and increases customer satisfaction. The new product is a further addition to tesa scribos’ extensive SecuritySealing portfolio, which offers solutions for a wide range of sealing applications and provides companies with ideal protection against unauthorised package opening along the entire logistics chain.
Complex logistics processes require professional security concepts. tesa scribos now offers a sealing tape to combat theft by providing effective protection from packages being opened and tampered with to help manufacturers and logistics services handle the increasing challenges of their business. The multi-layered colour structure creates an irreversible effect in the event of tampering, thus providing prominent proof that a package has been opened on a wide range of different surfaces. The adhesive security tape can be used to optimum effect in international logistics chains, since the warning “OPENED” appears in seven different languages and there is a graphic security feature depicting an open lock. The warning indications instantly become visible on the package surface the first time a sealed package is opened. They will remain visible in spite of any effort to reseal the tape – so no unauthorised opening attempts will go unnoticed.
Prevent losses and increase customer security
tesa HighPerSeal tape offers major competitive advantages over conventional sealing tape in light of increasingly complex logistics processes: tesa HighPerSeal tape provides clear and reliable indication as to whether a shipment’s original seal is intact – at any point along the logistics chain. The high-profile security effect not only simplifies quality control, it contributes to cost reduction by minimising complaints and guarantee claims. Unmistakeable evidence that a product packaging has already been opened or tampered with is a major deterrent which prevents losses at the very outset. The advantages of tesa HighPerSeal tape mean that companies will sustain fewer losses in revenue and enjoy greater customer satisfaction on the whole.
Straight-forward authenticity check and customisable design
tesa HighPerSeal tape even offers one more special feature on top of that: the original seal can even be inspected when the package is sealed, so it is possible to verify that its contents are complete while it is still closed. The security indication on the tape’s surface can be seen under a simple UV lamp, thus proving that the seal is original.
The adhesive security tape can easily be processed by machine, allowing smooth and trouble-free integration into automated packaging processes. Customer-specific printing (such as the company’s logo or other information) on the adhesive tape constitutes an additional security component for customers. This allows every party involved in the logistics chain to verify a shipping unit’s authenticity. The individual printing also serves as a communication instrument targeted at end customers.