Unique appeal

The financial damage to the clothing industry as a result of counterfeiting is between seven and ten percent of global sales, according to the results of a study carried out by tesa scribos. The main reason for the booming trade in counterfeit products is the fact that Internet sales are for the most part not controlled. Galvanni, a Turkish brand supplier for premium sportswear, uses the tesa scribos security solution tesa VeoMark to protect against product and brand piracy. Galvanni presents its sportswear including the brand protection solution at the International Fashion Trade Show Panorama, which will be held from 7th to 9th July in Berlin.
tesa VeoMark immediately offers the premium manufacturer several advantages: tesa scribos provides the physical security feature on a fabric label that is sewn into each item of clothing. In this way, each item is given its own identity, similar to a passport. To achieve this, the security label is permanently marked with an item-specific code. The brand supplier has the option of designing a customised label and can combine both overt and covert features – those which can be seen by the customer with the naked eye and those which can only be seen by retailers and customs officials using specialist devices – on up to four levels. The readily identifiable security codes in particular act as an effective deterrent to counterfeiters and give buyers confidence in the authenticity of brand products. These features also have the special quality that they cannot be copied using either printing techniques or holographic technology and are therefore counterfeit-proof.
Unique items rather than “one size fits all”
Fashionistas who want to know all the details also have the option of verifying the authenticity of a garment on the spot with the tesa connect & check system: They simply scan the QR code on the fabric label with their smartphone camera or enter the product ID on the website www.galvanni.it/security/en. A check is run in the background against the tesa connect & check database, which holds all original codes, so that buyers can check first-hand to make sure they are buying a genuine Galvanni shirt.
The fashion house Galvanni has been able to seamlessly integrate the security technologies into its supply chain, because sales experts and technical project managers at tesa scribos have developed the tailor-made solution, which includes delivery and integration processes, together with the brand owner.
“By using this brand protection solution, we offer our clients true added value that sets us apart from other fashion labels. We are proud to be the first Turkish fashion brand to have integrated these security technologies and see the project as the start of a long-term collaboration with tesa scribos”, explains Burak Kanpak, Executive Vice President of Galvanni.