Counterfeiting & Seizures

Europol actions target illegal pesticides in southern Europe

In two large-scale operations, Europol and local authorities in Italy and Romania, as well as in Spain and Portugal, disrupted the trade in counterfeit and illegal pesticides.

In the first half of 2024, Europol and local law enforcement agencies in several southern European countries disrupted the trade in illegal and counterfeit pesticides. Europol and Eurojust have announced details of the cases in July this year.

In Italy and Romania, the authorities took action against a criminal network selling counterfeit or banned pesticides and fertilizers. The products, which are banned in the European Union, were imported from China and Singapore and distributed with fake labels as allegedly organic products. Based on respective investigations, ten locations in the two countries were raided within two days in June, with actions in the Arad, Bucharest, Naples and Verona areas. Evidence of fraud, forgery, and tax evasion have been secured too. According to Europol, the counterfeit pesticides were in high demand due to their lower prices.

In Spain and Portugal, officials investigated an operation that traded in pesticides from Portugal that were banned in Spain. During their inquiries, the investigators found that the suspects had evidently imported more than 12 tons of toxic substances that are banned in Spain and many of which are also banned throughout the EU. They covered the illegal products with names and substances registered in Spain and also purchased legal pesticides alongside the illegal products, to conceal their illegal activities.

In both cases, Europol worked closely with local authorities. In Italy and Romania, officers from the Nuclei Antisofisticazione e Sanitàdell'Arma dei Carabinieri (NAS) of Padua were involved, as well as the Romanian National Police (Poliția Română). Eurojust also supported the case. In Spain and Portugal, Europol worked with the Spanish Civil Guard (Guardia Civil) and the Portuguese National Republican Guard (Guarda Nacional Republicana).


Eurojust, Europol

Article in cooperation with the Anti-Piracy Analyst


Sabine Carrell, International Communications Manager at SCRIBOS

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